Monday, November 29, 2010


"He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for His own glory." (Isaiah 61:2-3) NLT

As we are coming close to the end of another year...I find myself at a very familiar place. One of looking back, but also looking to see what is ahead. I can get so distracted about either that I forget to recognize where He has me NOW. Right now. That He has me in a place now because of where I've been to prepare me to step into the place of where I'm going....

Before I can step into the new things, I need to shake off the dust from the past. Shake off the things of life that have gradually made their way into (and onto) my life - that I found myself 'wearing' without even realizing...

In Isaiah 61, it says "he will give a crown of beauty for ashes" and "in their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for His own glory."

I believe that God is speaking loudly and very clearly that it is time to shake off the dust that we've become used to and trade them in for the beauty that He has created you and I to walk in. It is time to go back to the original plan that He has for our lives and step into that place, no matter how far off track you have gone...or how close. There are places that He wants to "plant" you - to position you - to shine for His glory! You will be so grounded that no storm will be able to knock you down or to tear you or your family apart. You will be light in dark places. Wherever He plants your will have the favor of the Lord and will be a person of refuge. Generational curses will be broken and those people that have been abandoned and forgotten will be re-birthed for His glory! You wonder why you have gone through the things that you did (or are going through them now?)'s His connection of compassion. You will fight on behalf of those who are broken. You will speak on behalf of those who have no voice. And...they will listen.

"Father, I ask that you would shake off any speckle or clumps of dust that have found themselves on your daughters. I pray that every particle would be removed and that you would wash us completely clean so that we may dance again. Renew our minds. Bring renewal our hearts. I pray that, again, your joy will be our strength. Set our feet on your path so that we may fulfill the plans that you have for our lives and those around us. In Jesus' name...Amen."

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