Monday, April 19, 2010


I remember when my kids were little and loved playing "hide and seek." My favorite was when I would cover my eyes and count and finally reach "10!" and they would still be sitting next to me with their eyes closed thinking that they were hidden because they couldn't see me. Then, we would move on to bigger and better places to the closets, under the bed, in the shower (which always was creepy to look in the shower and find someone hiding)!!

Now there's the world of Facebook. Where you can find your friends you haven't seen or heard from in years (yes, decades), plus keep in contact with those that might have moved away. I was always so bad at writing letters so usually once someone, or I, had moved it was "adios." Things are different now.

I believe that we are in a generation of connecting. People are wanting to be connected, enjoy being found, maybe needing to be found.

So many times I have often thought about being found. Not by an old friend, but just me finding out who I am and what my life is all about.

Yesterday, during service, we sang a song that had the following words:

"I'm found in the arms of love,
Your love - it has saved my soul.
I'll run to Your arms of love,
Your light's gonna lead me home."

The word FOUND kept repeating and ringing in my head all during the song, after service, all throughout the day yesterday. Usually when that happens, the Lord is trying to tell me something (I love it when that happens). I kept thinking of myself and people that I see on a weekly basis. Where am I found?

I want to be constantly found in His arms. Right in the middle of His will, His timing, His everything. But, life sometimes pulls and tears at us and all of a sudden...I'm found in a state of confusion. Or I'm found in a place of anxiety. Hopelessness. Identity loss.

Here are some of the words that I saw when I looked up the word FOUND and what the Lord spoke to me this morning:

Establish - That to be found in Him is to be established...planted...grounded in His arms. If you are found in a web of weariness, is the day of your freedom and you can run to His arms of love. To be established in Him is to know that your identity is in Him. Nothing else will validate you like His love does. No man-made titles, no house, no amount of friends, no position at work or in ministry...your validation needs to only come from Him. You are His.

Launch - Get ready to be launched. Yes, it's launching season. This means that God is going to start to operate, create, build, birth something inside of you that has been dormant just for a season...but, it's time to be launched. When you hear the Holy Spirit tell you it's time to with all that you have. His joy will be your strength.

FOUND - no longer lost. You have been saved....rescued. Rescued from your past, rescued from the power and consequences of sin. Rescued from whatever is trying to slow you down from the race that you were created to win. You can now walk in the freedom that has been declared over your life and dance in it.

I want you to find yourself in the place of His arms. Safe, secure, confident and ready to fulfill the purpose that He has for your life. Yes, it is your time! Focus on Him and He will guide you and prepare you for your race....His light will lead you home.

Found...and loving it,


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