Friday, September 12, 2014

Goin' on a Bear Hunt

There was this cute little nursery rhyme that I used to do with the kids when I needed their total attention.

It was called, "Goin' on a Bear Hunt!"  (You have to say it with a thick, southern drawl)

The rhyme would have all kinds of arm motions and, of course, we would add scary facial expressions and fluctuations in our voice to make this even MORE of an interesting journey to find... "the Bear."

It starts off with motions using our hands on our laps in a marching/walking rhythm while saying "we're going on a bear hunt."  Then we would STOP!  And, there was either a river, a fence, a mountain or other obstacles that we would need to overcome to continue on our way to find that bear!

After we would go through that series of fun events and finally FIND THE BEAR (!) we would turn around and run (slapping our hands on our legs as fast as we could) back and have to re-overcome all those obstacles we just trampled through to get back to our starting, "safe" place.

This is so much like real life.

We go on this Hunt for the thing(s) that we know that we are supposed to find.  That "thing" that God has said "go find!"  We go through obstacles to get there and once we finally arrive, the giant, furry, growling face of fear makes us turn back and run to our safe place again.

Habukkuk 3:19 says that THE Sovereign Lord is my Strength and that He makes my feet like the feet of the deer. HE enables me to tread on the heights (Cynda para-phrase).

I've been in the mountains before and when I get to new heights it changes my breathing ability which makes me feel weak and uncomfortable.  BUT, when I allow my body and mind to adjust to my new surroundings the first thing I notice is the VIEW.  When my focus is off of my physical uncomfortableness, I am able to focus on my new surroundings and see further and farther than I've ever seen before.

God says it's time to take you to new places.

I believe that today is your day to start on that journey again.  This time, no coming back.

It's a day to say goodbye to the old and to be taken to new heights and new places that He has spoken over your life when He was forming and creating you.

God placed this dream inside of you and not only says you are able, but He ENABLES YOU which means:

Enable: to supply with the means, knowledge or opportunity.  To make able. To activate. To make possible. To provide with adequate power or authority to do something. 

So, TREAD on!  Walk on, over, press on, trample, step, crush, swim, climb, dance!! Whatever you have make that step.  It takes only one to get started....and show that bear who's boss ;)

Happy hunting,


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