- She was an orphan. Both her parents had passed away and she was living with her uncle's family.
- The story says that she was "favored."
- She had a 'secret.' She was a Jew, but no one realized it.
- She was submissive.
- She was placed in POSITION. Her life was so planned that she was placed in a "position" at the perfect "place" at the perfect "time" for God to do something in the NOW...and...at the same time leaving a legacy.
As I was reading this story, I began to identify with her. Okay, let's be honest...how many of you dreamed of being a princess?? Come on...we're being honest here. As a little girl, I used to picture myself as a princess......yes, the beautiful clothing, using my hands gently as I talked, singing to animals, everyone liking me and being perfect. But, things in life took away my 'image' of those things. Reality began to set in and my 'image' of myself began to change. What I have learned now is that the "journey" of life sets in and many of us feel as though we have been "dirtied" by life and are no longer a treasure. God still sees you as His most beautiful treasure. And, He is so very proud of you. There are many women and little girls around us that feel this way. Are you one of the ones that God is choosing to break this "image" war?
Orphaned & Abandoned
I think everyone has either felt abandonment and/or rejection issues at one point in their lives -or- they know someone close to them who has. When that happens, walls around us become thicker, we loose trust in people, we begin to separate ourselves because we don't want to be in that position ever again....felt that way?? I have.
YOU are Favored
Yes, say it aloud. "I am favored." Whether she realized it or not, there was FAVOR all over her life. Even though sometimes horrible things happen to us or people we know...we have to trust God and know that He is working something out in our lives to set us on a path for a life of purpose, not destruction. It's hard to realize this when you are in the middle of the storm, but continue to STAND in His strength and power, let the dust settle and allow Him to bring healing, restoration and direct the path He has laid out for you.
A "Past"
Do you have a past? Do these things still haunt you to this day and tell you that you cannot achieve your dreams? Do you hear the voice that says that you are not like anyone else - you're different and 'stained' because of the things in your past...and maybe present? Well, this is probably one of the most intelligent things I may ever say, but......your past is your PAST. It is behind you and NOW IS THE TIME to walk forward and not look back. God will use those things that were meant to destroy you as weapons against the enemy to break down isolation walls, to rebuild and restore women, children and families that are being attacked how you were. You are the voice that says "My God has brought me out and there IS hope and a future!" I may not know you, but I am hear to tell you that those lies are still trying to hold you back from the GREATNESS within you. You are an answer to hundreds (yes, even thousands) of other women (and children) who are struggling on a daily basis that do not have hope, but are crying out for 'someone' (that's you) to love them, encourage them, to say "I've been where you are and together we're coming out and we're coming out strong!"
She was submissive. Not only to the people in the King's court, but I saw where she was desperately willing to surrender and submit to God. What your relationship with God is shows in your relationship to others around you. When you look at the example of Jesus Christ, He came as a servant. Even though He had the authority to live like a King, He chose to be an example of love, compassion and to serve. This is our example. You can submit in your mind and in your actions, but it has to become a heart transplant. People are not used to that in our society today. They will see Christ-like character in us when we not only 'act' differently than the world, but truly have a shift in the way we allow Him to open our eyes and see things in a way that we've never seen them and to the "unseen things." He can teach us how to love others like He has loved and continues to love us. Are you ready to take the next step in truly being transformed.....are you hungry for a transformation?
Position of Purpose
Last...but not least! She was placed in a POSITION, at His timing, that was so perfectly timed that even though it didn't (at the time) seem to have any huge significance....but it is now a legacy for generations beyond her own. Where is your position? Where are you at right NOW? Your position may be at home loving on those children and your husband and setting an example that will carry on with your children's children and generations that you may never see. Is it volunteering in your child's classroom or in children's ministries when you notice a child that has dirty hair, clothing or shoes that don't fit, that need some nurturing and isn't rejected? Is it in the woman's eyes that screams out loneliness, but the world sees that she "has everything."
I believe with all of my heart that God is raising up a new generation of women of ALL ages. For such a time as this....we have been placed in this generation, in our homes, in our communities, at our jobs, in our grocery stores....for a reason and a purpose that if we RECOGNIZE the impact that we have one-on-one, we literally could change our areas, our counties, our state, our nation...and, yes, the world. It's time to put your FULL armor on, girls. The Lord is wanting to show us "strategic" ways to fight the destruction of this generation. Yes, the destruction of your marriage, your children, your freedom to worship. Most of my life I have wanted to hide in a "box." Be a silent 'warrior.' Not any more...I'm ready to stand. It is time to speak. We are not only fighting for our families, but for a generation that doesn't know it has a voice, a future, a hope. Will you fight with us? YOU ARE EQUIPPED!!! And, God is looking for those that are available and ready to surrender to His plan, His purposes and His time.
"Father, we come to you and thank you that You have chosen us for this "time." I thank You that You have adopted us as Your daughters and that You truly see us as Your treasures. Lord, I ask right now that Your Holy Spirit would wash us clean from our past, that You would set us up on our feet again and that we would now stand before You strong, confident and bold...no longer looking back behind us, but pressing forward and finishing this race. I thank You for the FAVOR that You have placed over us and I come to You and ask that Your favor FLOOD every woman, every home, in every way. Show us how to surrender to Your will and I pray that our eyes will be open and aware to the needs of those around us like we've never experienced before. Anoint us to move forward and take this world to knowing Your truth, Your salvation and Your love. In Jesus' name I pray...Amen!"
I would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me by commenting on this blog or by email at cyndaharris@gmail.com!! I want to hear your input, what is going on in your life...no matter where you live!! If you're new to this "blog" thing....me too!! This was my first....we'll step into new territory together! Be blessed.....cynda
Wow Cynda, I read both yours and Tracey's blogs and they are awesome. I know that God has placed me right where I am at "for such a time as this". I've been able to pray for people at the bank and I know that God has also led me to share my testimony with a few. Could you let me know how to get access to the pantylines blog. It stated I haven't been invited and I don't know how to reach the author? Love, Vicki
Thanks for "bloggin' on!" You are definitely placed where you are for more reasons than one...it's exciting to hear what God is doing through you and the women/people you are reaching! Regarding the pantylines blog, go to www.traceymetzger.blogspot.com and on the right hand side, closer to the bottom of the page, I believe you can click on the 'ad' and it will take you directly there. Let me know if it works and we'll get you connected! Talk to you soon!
I always wanted to know how God could use a voice like mine to reach others that were in the world. Now I see that all it takes is a bit more from us. As You and Tracey venture out into this new calling, get ready. He is going to use you in ways you have only dreamed of.. I always thought that you had to be a Dr. Dobson or someone with a NAME everyone heard of. But you will be reaching so many women and children through this ministry and I will be praying so much for God to continue to work through you both...You have such a gift and I am so excited to see how you will be used in this. So hold on tight to Him and get ready His plans to use this ministry have not even begun to see His mighty works...
Keep the Blogs coming because I love to hear what He speaks through you!!!!
Hugs from the Tennessee Mountains..
Cynda, Your prayers are so very precious and beautiful, as are you!!!
Thankyou so very much.
The more I get to know you, the beauty of the depth of your faith is an inspiration to me.
I remember your comment to me of a question I asked you of what do you fear?, and you stated, per my memory:"Fear of Lack of Faith", or something of the like.
That is awesome, and I am aspiring to live by that statement in my own life.
Love, in Christ, ALWAYS, julia
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